Saturday 16 May 2009

1) The way you stand by my side2) The times you make sure nothing will harm me3) How you always find a new way to "WoW" me4) When I'm sad, you take the pain away with a joke5) How you always look deep into my eyes6) How you can make my heart melt with your soft lips7) The way you hold my hand so tight8) The way you never let my hands go8) How you always watch out for me9) They way you make sure I have everything I need10) How you always know what to say when I get mad at you11) When you buy me things out of the blue12) How you say the cutest things over and over and never gets old13) The way you play with my hair when I'm falling asleep14) The way you stare at me as if I am the most handsome guy in the world!15) The times when you where determind for me not to be mad at you anymore16) The way you look when I get all dressed up17) The smile you give after I'm done kissing you18) The way you act like a dork but make me laugh19) The way your not embarrased to say or do anything in front of me20) How you can just defend me and not be scared21) They way you walk when you get sad!!22) The look you make when you get jealous23) When Im feeling the worst, you make me feel the happiest24) The way you sing to be all cheesy25) How you can just drive hours to see me for a day26) How you always finish my sentences27) How your the only one who thinks im NOT weird28) How your the only one who gets my joke... and laughs29) The way we play stupid games, but you play anyways30) How I can never hate you31) How you love me like no other32) The way you touch me as if I might break33) How you tell me long stories that have no meaning, but you know I'll listen anyway34) How you listen to me talk for hours35) How you forgive me when I do wrong36) How you hardly ever get mad at me37) The way you look after I say I love you38) How times it seems like we're the only ones here39) the way your not embarrased to call me sweet things in front of anyone40) The way you call me every freakin minute41) The way you always find a way to see me or talk to me42) How you put ME before you friends43) How you would do anything I say44) The way you get my attention45) The way I turn you on, without me doing anything46) How you can just speak your mind47) How your not afraid to tell me your feelings48) How you can cry in front of me with out being shy or embarassed49) How you can diss parties to just stay home with me all night50) How we talk on the phone all night51) How we both get along so well52) The way you spend all your money to buy calling cards for me53) The way we're so much alike!!54) How you make me feel when I think I'm nothing55) the way you inspire me with your thoughts and emotions!!!!

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