Thursday 9 July 2009


almost every day i awake to the news of some tragedy or another, some war or another and some death or another.
does it affect me?? yes i suppose in some ways it does, because i see any death of some one younger than myself as not only tragic but also scary.
so why scary i hear you ask?? well the thing is as i get older and weaker it scares me to think that others i considered to be healthier or fitter than i am has died, so you see it is quite scary in that effect, but then i think how lucky i am for having the half century or so that i have had, when so many billions have never had the chance to see the world that i have seen, and how dramatically it has changed in the short time that i have lived on the planet, i have witnessed the first man in space, first man on the moon, televisions, sattelite navigation systems, video recorders, computers, dvd players, mobile cell phones, supermarkets, the continueing development of all things modern, planetery destruction, deforestation, global warming, extinction of thousands of plant, animal, fish and insect species and all in just 5 decades.
i have witnessed the miracle of childbirth many times, and all this is just the tip of the iceberg.
last night i lay awake and in pain the whole night because my morphine medication failed me yet again and i wonder how much longer i have, or how much more pain i will have to endure until i either die or the doctors find a way of making the pain go away, of course i would much prefer the latter of the two as i am still a relatively young man who can still do much good on this planet, given the chance to.

just a few rambling thoughts that have passed through my head i hope that you don't mind me sharing them with you all.

peace to all in thoughtsland
one love

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