Thursday 9 July 2009

we are what we are.

As I've watched the latest Thoughts drama unfold, I've been a little surprised at certain reactions. But that's to be expected.

A rainbow is known for its colors..

On the one hand, those of us who are devout and true to our writing as more than just a therapeutic outlet but as a craft have taken this situation more seriously. We see credibility and originality as two of our most hallowed possessions. So when we find that someone has broken one of these (often unspoken) laws, we take up arms and fight courageously to defend the honor of writing as a beloved artform.

Imagine if an artist walked up and spat on the Mona Lisa. -- You might get the same kind of reaction from the art world.

Others though, are not quite so strongly attached to their writing or that of others. To them, this is merely a person who is a friend, beloved and fallible. They write because they feel like it.. but perhaps not because they are "writers" by nature. It's easy for them to look past the offense that seems small compared to what others do on a daily basis and for them, those of us who have taken grave offense to the situation are over-reacting and even possibly being "hateful".

Then there are those that are straddling the fence, closely followed by all who simply don't give a damn. The fence straddlers tend to be true writers or true intellects who can see that a transgression has been committed but also realize that the person who committed the offense has been a friend to many here and therefore has every reason and every right to be forgiven and removed from the public hot seat.

To all of you, I say this:

Right on.

Why? Because although I am one of the staunch defenders of my moral code and my craft as a writer, I also realize that not everyone is me. We don't all feel that a crime against writers and writing everywhere has been committed by one of our most respected members here. Not everyone will see that while his offense may not have been large when compared to say, "Smitty41", it does give insight into his character and therefore those of us who hold character in high regard will be saddened and even angered at the way that the person has conducted themselves as of late.

Similarly, those of us who are avid writers will have a difficult time understanding that many of the accused's friends simply do not see his actions as unforgivable or inexcusable. For them, he is a dear friend, loved unconditionally and accepted as is. They will defend him without question, support him without fail and believe in him regardless of the facts. Love truly does cover over a multitude of sins.

So it is with absolute sincerity that I commend all of you. If you have loved and encouraged and supported this person, I commend you for that. It is honorable and it is a testiment to your loyalty, which is one of the most beautiful qualities that a person can possess. Indeed, he is fortunate to call you friends and gratefully, I'm fortunate enough to share that same title with many of you. You are beautiful souls.

To those of you who have stood up for your moral beliefs, the honor of your craft and the honor of writers everywhere, I commend you as well and salute your willingness to remain true to your beliefs even when they are not the most popular ones. Even if they will cause some people to think that you're a "bad person" or a "bad friend". Authenticity and originality are well worth defending and well worth fighting for. You have my admiration.

To those of you who are on the fence, bless you for being undivided by this latest blow to our sense of community well-being. It is not always easy to just let bygones be.. but you are the type of people that make it possible for the rest of us to be understood and loved even when we are the ones in question. Balance is beauty.. and you are beautiful.

And to those of you who simply don't give a damn.. sorry about all of the fuss. ;)

Happy blogging, folks.

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